Colorado Playground Inspections
Colorado Playground Inspections
Playgrounds require special training and expertise to keep them safe for children
Certified Playground Safety Inspector
Playgrounds are special places, so they require specially trained people to look after them
What is so special about a CPSI
A CPSI has passed the National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) National Playground Safety (NPSI) Examination. The ASTM International and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) are the safety standards used for this test. A CPSI must maintain CME's throughout the year and must be re-certified and relicensed every three years. This is one of the most stringent educational requirements for any professional.
Playground equipment is unique
It isn't just anyone is using it,
your children are.
There are many components on a playground that require unique and specialized knowledge in order to reduce the risk of injuries and death. Surfacing fall attenuation, proper Use-Zones and removal of entanglement hazards are but a few of the things that must be considered when designing and maintaining a playground. Things as simple as S-hooks on swings and gaps between a slide and it's platform can be significant safety hazards and are often missed by the untrained maintenance person. There are so many more items (simple & not so simple) that only a Certified CPSI would notice, it might surprise you.
Keep children safe
& reduce liability
​Unfortunately you need to consider your liability
Proper installation and maintenance of your playground will help to reduce the risk of injuries for children, but it also can reduce your overall liability. Maintaining proper records and files of a certified audit at the opening ( or taking over responsibility for) of a playground and continuing yearly inspections by a CPSI are critical to reducing your liability risks.
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